Skee Kayak Centre whats been happening in 2011.
Demo Day:
20th March 2011, Skee Kayaks held an on water come and try day at Boambee Creek Reserve. Approximately 60 interested paddlers attended the 4 hour demo day. We have great weather and a full spring tide, to give the paddlers a great morning on the creek with plenty of clean water.
Brand representatives that displayed and discussed their kayaks, Ocean kayak, Wilderness Systems, Seafarer and Stealth, and we took all our demo kayaks from Australis, Viking and Delsyk as well.
A great day was had by all who attended.
Kayaks of all shapes and sizes and brands. |
Looking, discussing and trying different kayaks. |
Stay tuned for the next date for the come and try day.
________________________________________________________________________________ Weekend Paddle workshop:
On the 19th and 20th of February 2011 Skee Kayak Centre worked with Paddle NSW to hold an Introduction to Kayaking workshop at Boambee Creek Reserve. The weekend involved Lynn Parker of Paddle NSW - Flatwater and Whitewater Instructor, Matt Goodwin of Jervis Bay Kayak Co. and Seaward Kayaks - Sea Instructor Level 2, Amanda Rankin of Paddle Perfect - Flatwater Coach and Karen Dallas of Skee Kayak Centre, Flatwater Instructor and Sea Leader.
30 keen paddlers for the 2 day workshop which included talks and demonstrations from,
Maritime NSW, Marine Rescue, Amanda Rankin - the Olympic experience, Matt Goodwin -
demonstrating Seaward Kayaks, Faye Wiffen - Coffs Shoulder and Hand Clinic discussing injury prevention, and Lauren Harper - Coastal Pilates and Fitness held an intro Pilates lesson.
Amanda Rankin explaining the art of the forward stroke.
Kayaks of all shapes and sizes worked together to broaden their knowledge of kayaks skills, from flatwater techniques, to paddling in fast moving water against an incoming spring tide.
Lynn Parker with her group and sawtell bridge. |
A colourful array of kayaks for the workshop |
Enthusiastic participants were coached in everything from forward paddling, maneuvouring,bracing, self and assisted rescues and surf launch and landings.
Robin practicing rescues with Geoff |
I think everyone who attended gained a great deal of practical kayaking knowledge, hopefully they can take away and build on.
The weekend was full of learning, new experiences, heaps of fun while meeting new paddling friends.
For information on future kayak intruction courses or private kayak Instruction contact Karen:
some of the Seaward range of kayaks were displayed.
I would like to thank Matt Goodwin for bringing the " Seaward Express" all the way from Jervis Bay to Sawtell, to let people from the Coffs area and some travelled from Port Macquarie to experience these kayaks. It was a great display of lightweight TX thermoformed and composite sea kayaks. A large group of very impressed paddlers had the opportunity to try out these fantastic craft, which are now available in the Coffs Harbour area at Skee Kayak Centre.